The Bitcoin-Accepted World is more Beautiful than you Imagine. Here’s a Bird’s Eye View.

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However, when it comes to imagining a future where Bitcoin becomes a part of the mainstream financial transactions, many people fail badly. They know Bitcoin will bring a sea change to the lifestyles and the way we deal with people, but the exact picture of how this will look like is often kept too blurry for general people to have an idea. Therefore, we thought we should provide a very basic bigger picture of the world where Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies become a norm, and to our own surprise, it came out to be way more beautiful and inspiring than we initially thought.
Here’s how a world with Bitcoin as a mainstream financial tool would look like.
If you notice carefully, the decentralization of human societies has already begun and people now do not prefer any external interference in their lives whether it is a government or a big bank that controls all financial freedoms. The future is brighter than one can imagine. With Bitcoin becoming a symbol of decentralization right since it was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, the financial lifestyle of people are changing more subtly than imagined.
The Nakamoto gift is not only making banks and other ‘third party’ financial institutions less powerful, in fact, the cryptocurrencies are making people more empowered and freedom-infested when it comes to handling the financial decisions. This core ideology of decentralization will spread to all forms of human initiatives, and even when many people think Bitcoin is a fraud, it will drive the world more ‘free from third-party clutters and controls’ to create more empowered and smarter societies where the power would lie in people, not in the hands of the leaders.
There is hardly any doubt in the fact that the ‘peer to peer’ society is already taking shape in a big way. In an increasingly digital world, where everything is now available on the web, people from distant parts of the globe are exchanging goods and services like never before. The rapport and the interdependence that were the hallmarks of economies and large-scale populations are now becoming tinier and more personal. People from all parts of the world are now taking part in ‘one to one’ transactions, both in lifestyle-oriented and monetary initiatives, and this is making the world a more homogenous place than it was ever in the history of mankind.
We can easily anticipate that a Bitcoin-accepted world would make this process more intensive. With people having the power to send and receive both money and emotions directly with the person they want, the human society will become more personally interdependent which, before the advent of Bitcoin, was centered on economic attributes of a geographically-distributed populations. The ‘peer to peer’ movement will make the world more aware, culturally richer and personally friendlier than one can imagine, and whatever the reasons, Bitcoin would help shape such an intricate and more humane world to become more palpable.
Noticeably, this technology-backed interdependent society would be much more peaceful, recorded, and driven by disciplinary measures than ever before. It is already clear from the potential of Blockchain technology that a world with more immutability, more errorless connectability and more straightforward posterity is now going to become a reality much earlier than previously imagined, and Bitcoin would play a major role in this shift from a community-based society to a homogenous and disciplined global population more charmingly and with more efficiency than anyone can guess now.
The Bitcoin revolution is not just about making people more powerful and financially aware, it is also including more unbanked, previously untouched populations to come under the financial scanner. That is, in one way, making more people empowered with the idea of growing wealth in a utilitarian and holistic manner by giving them the power to deal with people with a common currency that has the same attributes everywhere in the world.
Bitcoin that is run by Blockchain is a symbol of equality that has never been available in a fiat world controlled by the top-most layer of the financially empowered population. In spite of making only a few people empowered by the powers of wealth and privileges, Bitcoin is creating a world where everyone can participate with equal rights, equal powers, and equal opportunities.
When such a beautiful revolution is being unleashed by Bitcoin, its underlying technology is making human initiatives more authentic and countable. With each transaction being recorded in an immutable ledger, a blockchain is a promising tool that can help humanity become more responsible and participatory in a truly utilitarian manner.
These unavoidable positive benefits that are undeniably futuristic in nature are active in creating the future for all of us, and even if Bitcoin-haters do not accept it, work for a more beautiful and more inclusive world is already in progress.
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