Hallo ... If you are interested in joining the ProFish project or you are interested in joining the ProFish project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision during the ProFish project.
Market Research and Opportunity According to research done by the American Sportfishing Association in their report Sportfishing in America, an Economic Force for Conservation, over 60 million Americans spend an estimated $46 billion a year on recreational fishing alone. Recreational fishing (also known as sport fishing) has a total economic of impact $115 billion in the US alone, when you include fishing expenses lodging, transportation and other expenses related to sport fishing. The US accounts for about 45% of global sport fishing revenue; other popular recreational fishing destinations include Japan, South America, Australia, South Africa, and Scandinavia. Sport Fishing is increasing in revenue at about 3.5% per year worldwide, according to the study.
The FISH token provides a trilateral approach to use case services that are beneficial to fishermen, retailers, and vendors alike, all around the world. ProFish provides three main services, upon a decentralized platform that is self sustaining.
FISH Token Services
Online Tournaments:
Online Tournaments are not a new concept- they have proven track record in the sport fishing industry. Many sport fishers are already familiar with how online tournaments work. ProFish tournaments however, will have the added benefits of low transaction fees, verifiable blockchain transactions, and the secure Ethereum network to bolster its capabilities. Online Tournament winners are rewarded in FISH token, and announced on the ProFish community page. The community web page has social media capabilities similar to that of Facebook- users can add friends, create groups, write on each other’s walls, and share their catches via our website. In addition to the social media capability of our website, we also pave the way for access to external social media platforms- share some of your proudest achievements on your favorite platforms!
Online Marketplaces: The ProFish online marketplace allows vendors, retailers, and fishermen to exchange goods and services using FISH tokens and/or Ethereum. Community Members will also be able to use this feature like an online swap meet, to sell used or custom equipment. Payments will be integrated directly into the community store. We are working to allow vendors, retailers, and members to have their own store with the ability to post items for sale on the fly.
Reward Systems: Rewards programs are very common in sport fishing- nearly all major retailers offer their own rewards programs. All too often, customers will acquire points, virtual gift cards, or samples- that are only tied to a specific retailer, product, or offer. They always expire with time, and usually the customer is left with an unusable small balance, like $.67.
Typically, rewards programs are closed off from one marketplace to another. Having a rewards system tied to a specific retailer may seem like an advantage for the traditional reward programs, but in an increasingly decentralized world, it’s not. Customers will naturally flock to whatever option is most convenient and available to use; FISH will work across marketplaces and platforms, uniting rewards programs and services, fortifying the sport fishing economy. Imagine the millions of dollars spent on advertising through social media, television, radio, and sponsorships; the majority of that money leaves the industry. However, by using FISH as a platform for transactions, sport fishing stays in sport fishing.
Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the ProFish project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to talk directly with or their team, at the link.
For more information and join ProFish social media today please follow the following sources:
Username: JUBAH84
ETH: 0x1C4Be60BDd042eB62d145BB1A02c011F7aA3DC1F
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